Fall is in the air and the trout are responding to the change of the seasons.

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Fall is in the air and the trout are responding to the change of the seasons. We got a nice bump in flows due to valley rain and mountain snow. Fishing has been very good lately. The brown trout are looking to pack on the pounds for the spawn later this month. Streamer fishing has been very good. Natural and olive color streamers have been the best ticket lately. You will find fish eating the streamers in the shallow riffles and deeper pools. We have also done well with a #10 black or olive/brown pat’s stone. You will find Blue Winged Olives hatching around 2:00 in the afternoon.

The Big Hole River is open without any restrictions from Dickey Bridge down to FWP Maiden Rock. Please note Maiden Rock FWP is the lower Maiden Rock, which is out of the canyon a few miles upstream from Melrose. Here is a map to help you with the closures http://www.bhwc.org/fish-water/river-conditions/

rank with a colored up Fall Big Hole brown from this week

Recommended Flies: #16 Split Wing BWO : #16 BWO Cripple #14 Purple Craze; #14 Comparadun Yellow; #12 Bloom’s Caddis; #12 Purple Chubby; #14 Para Wolf; #14 Psycho Mayfly; #12 Prince Nymph; #10 Pat’s Stone; #14 Pearl Lightning Bug; #14 Red Copper John; #18 Silver Lightning Bug #16 Micro Mayfly;  4 Mini Loop Sculpin; #8 Trevors Sculpin


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