We have your Montana snowpack update as we enter the middle of the winter season. It was a brisk -15 degrees here this morning but it looks like temperatures will get back into the 20’s in a few days. The Montana snowpack is much better this year compared to last year at this time. The Big Hole and Beaverhead drainage is sitting at 80% of normal snow water equivalent at this time. We still have 90 more days until our snowpack has peaked, so plenty of winter left to increase our percentages. It is still too early to predict streamflows for the spring and summer season. We usually will know streamflows for the spring in summer once April comes around. Updates will be coming from us throughout the winter and spring season as the snow piles up for outdoor enthusiasts.
We are looking towards a great 2025 fishing season. Fish health this past fall was found to be fantastic in the brown trout and rainbow trout in the Big Hole and Beaverhead Rivers. We will start our season April 1st with our Spring Special. This year we are taking the Spring Special through May 15th. You will find great dry fly fishing opportunities in the Spring season. Hatches of Skwallas and Blue Winged Olives will dominate the menu for trout. Spring packages are 15% our regular season rates. Book your trip today.